Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation

The Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation is seeking applications for its “Conflict and Violence Grant Program” to protect the lives, safety, dignity and physical and mental well-being of these people.

 The projects they back deal primarily with the causes, attendant circumstances and consequences of violence, and include:

protection for civilians, especially displaced persons and refugees

psychosocial assistance and rehabilitation of the victims of war and conflict

Eligibility Criteria

The foundation makes grants to projects in Switzerland and the UK as well as to projects run by Swiss and UK organisations in the following countries: Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Angola, Central African Republic, Chad, Myanmar, Yemen and Syria.

The foundation supports recognised civilian non-profit organisations headquartered in Switzerland or the UK with experienced, highly qualified leading managers. And organisations that are able to assess projects in line with scientific standards and apply recognised reporting methods. They also focus on the following criteria in their selection process:

organisations with quality certification or awards

organisations that collaborate with partners in the countries in question

projects with a multiplicator effect and a systematic approach

innovative and niche projects

projects that take account of social, economic and ecological sustainability criteria,

projects that involve cultural integration

projects that are in line with recognised national plans

What do they support?

Organisations that support their objectives and are run on a non-profit basis (e.g. NGOs, cultural, educational and research institutions)

Individuals as recipients of educational grants

Projects that could be expanded to a greater number of beneficiarie

What do they generally not support?

projects that do not meet the foundation’s aims

applications that do not meet the selection criteria

very small or one-off events

projects that seek to obtain prestige

purely commercial projects or projects carried out by private institutions or government offices

projects carried out by groups or organisations that are not registered with a national or regional authority (e.g. not recognised as charities)

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Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation
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